The Trusted, Uniformed Security Service for Federal Facilities Worldwide.
Enabling mission success starts with ensuring onsite personnel are safe and assets are secure. With a proven record across civilian and intelligence agencies and the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security AFS Enterprise’s Protective Services Sector delivers unmatched capability.
AFS’s trained, experienced, and certified personnel are visible reminders that your facility is secure— security and police personnel who stand ready and vigilant to support your mission.
Our cadre of professionals are carefully screened and selected— in fact, over 90% of candidates successfully pass the Federal security officer certification examinations administered by agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service, Department of Justice and Department of Defense on the first attempt. It’s your assurance that every officer meets the strictest standards—both yours and ours.
Our comprehensive, award-winning services include:
Armed & Unarmed Security
Facility Security Management
Screening Operations
Visitor Screening & Badging